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Recently i edited one of my views and received attached error. The error now appeard on every form using the view and prevents me form editing anything. The worst thing is, that i cannot even open the category where the view is placed and delete it. Is there any way to dubug the error?


Im using Smartforms 1.0.6 with blackpearl 4.6.7.


Thanks in advance,






I was wondering what you were editing. Does the SmartObjects being used execute in the SmartObject tester?







Yes, the smartobjects are working in tester. As far as I remember the view was a list and I was configuring a subview for adding new items.


Best regards,


Hey W,


So it's good that the smartobjects are working in tester. Hooray for that. So here's some ideas that could be totally off... 



Since you're using a subview to add new items, are you able to edit the subview? I'm guessing there's a rule issue where the subview is trying to create an item and maybe the subview is being fed in older item keys, which as you know have to be unique. Is there a "create" rule in the subview that you're using to add the new items? Would you be able to show us the input mappings for that? That may be where it's running into issues and maybe you could disable the rule and try to get back into your other views to delete the category that's messing up.


Also, what is the category you're trying to delete -- is this a SmO property? Because if you can get into the tester, you could delete the values in there instead.

Hi wowo3,


I believe this issue is a bit more related to the view itself.  Usually this is seen with package and deploy, but, there's a few things that could cause it.


Did you by chance remove any controls from the view, or rename them?  Does the view show that it's checked in currently or is it checked out? 







 also had smilar error but only in package and deployment. It seems to happen in certian scenerios where when you delete a control from the view and then add a control with the same name. have you tried packaging that troublesome view. Maybe the log will show a more informative error message.



Are you using 4.6.8 by chance?  If so, you may wish to open a support ticket if that issue is blocking deployments.




Yes, I am on that version. However, I managed to resolve the issue from the error logs that was provided by the deployment tool. I took the guids provided and looked into the database to find whcih component was causing the issue. It pointed to a control on a view, whcih i then removed and readded with a different name. I then redeployed successfully. 
