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The client was performing a 4.6.2 > 4.6.8 upgrade, but he was stopped on the DB panel with the following message...

An invalid database version was detected: 4.10100.1420.0
The K2 blackpearl Setup manager cannot continue,
Please contact K2 support for assistance.




After doing some investigations, we found that the K2Server database version was still on 4.10100.1420.0. The DB upgrade must have not completed 100% during the upgrade to 4.6.2.

(The client is still using the "Legacy" DB structure - 14 databases.)



I sent the client a couple of SQL scripts that updated his K2Server DB version up to K2 blackpearl 4.6 RTM level. (If you run into this issue, please log a ticket and reference this post.) After the K2Server DB was brought up to 4.6 RTM level, we had to reconfigure the K2Server component to get the K2Server DB version up to 4.6.2 level. After all was on 4.6.2, the upgrade to 4.6.8 went through without issue.



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