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After installation of 4.6.11 we are seeing a process error out with the message: "An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions". This causes the workflow to error out and we see this on a smartobject method event. When the SmartObject method being used in the workflow is executed in the SmartObject Service Tester Tool it runs as intended.


Scenario for reinstall was that we had taken the K2 DB from the Test 1 server, that was never upgraded to 4.6.11, and used it as the DB on the Test 2 server to get it back to where it was previously on 4.6.6. The steps from there on out were to reset all settings that had remnants from Test 1 to Test 2. We confirmed that the environment library in workspace was set to all of the correct values. Since this error was only showing in the context of the workflow we went to check the string table for that process that errored. We saw that the string table values for this process were still set to point to the Test1 server.

Checked authentication for the view flow through IIS to ensure that there were no incorrect settings.


Changing all of the values in that process's string table to point to Test 2 instead of Test 1 and then retrying the instances let the workflow run without error.

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