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Hi friends,

I am new to so if this is too simplistic a question, please bare with me.

As part of a workflow solution, we have developed a process called the TheftAndHijack process (see attachment: TheftAndHijack.JPG).

I am having a problem with the "Assign Validator" and the "Initial Documentation" Activities (see below and attachment). Both the activities are reached when the following is true:- [{K2.ProcessInstance.DataFields("Status").Value}]=Intimated. As such the two activities are reached at the same time.

The bizzar problem that I am having is that when I try to complete the "Initial Documentation" Activity, the "Assign Validator"
activity also completes. This is not suppose to be the case. Each Activity is suppose to complete without interfering with the other.

_________Assign Validator
|______Initial Documentation

Please help.
True - Each Activity is suppose to complete without interfering with the other. The only way anybody would be able to help troubleshoot this issue would be if you upload the process as well as your VS.NET User Interface solution.

