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On all our K2 environments (3.6262.1.0 SP4), when I stop a process from the K2 Service Manager they show as "Stopped" but when I start them they seem to be stuck at "Running". I see no errors and restarting K2 has no affect. This happens to any workitem in any of our processes. All process have been exported via K2 Studio. This happens on all environments so suggests an issue with all our processes or the installs, I guess.

Has anybody seen this before?


This typically is due to a) logic problems in process designs, b) logic problems in code (e.g. infinite loops), c) Server-side events/tasks not completing (again, process design errors), d) other server-side issues causing K2 Server to 'spin', waiting for a condition to change.

I would start with reviewing your process designs and custom code.

1. Are the processes all in this status at the same Activity?

2. Do you have some custom code modules shared by all the processes?

- Dave

