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All SmartForms Fail after pointing to new DB Server


The database was detached and reattached to a new server then setup manager for both blackpreal and smartforms was run to update database and all ran successfully now all forms return the following on load:

The input is not a valid Base-64 string as it contains a non-base 64 character, more than two padding characters, or an illegal character among the padding characters


After the online meeting, we fixed the issue with the "The input is not a valid Base-64 string as it contains a non-base 64 character" when loading the form for the DEV environmnet.

1. We truncated the hK2].2Authorization].nOAuthAppOnlyToken] table.

2. Deleted the 4 K2_Sigining_ Certificate records from the Hostserver.configuration table.

3. Deleted the K2SelfsignedCertificate.pfx from the K2 BlackpearlhostserverinOauthcertificates folder.

4. Ran a K2 BlackPearl Repair, configure Smartforms, SF Control Pack, K2 for sharepoint 1.0.1.

5. We copied the K2 For Sharepoint setup folder to the SharePoint Front end and executed the AppDeploy.exe without any issue.

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