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Good day,

I have a checkbox list that has a corresponding date box the displays if the checkbox is checked.  The only problem is that it doesn't line up, they line up in a row without spaces.  I tried putting them in a panel and it didn't help.  Suggestions?



Hello Jennifer Wiskemann‌ - 

Have you looked at setting everything up as you want it on the canvas and then turning off "resize at runtime"?

Try that and it may be what you are looking for.

I attached a simple form example that I put together really quick. I put each date control in a panel and placed the rule on the panel to hide/show. 

I then took the date picker and panel and placed them into another panel. This second panel is where you can turn off "Resize at runtime" and achieve that you are looking for.


Examples in action:


Hope this helps!

Thanks for the reply.  What version of the forms are you using because I am getting the following results:

I'm using Version:



Hello ‌ - 

We have Nintex Forms 2010 (

Our forms and workflow products have not been updated since they were installed over a year ago. Time to start banging on some doors!

Looking into version numbers, are you using Nintex Forms 2013?

Yes, I am using 2013. I guess I will have to open a ticket since it isn't behaving like it should.  This isn't the first issue like this I have had, they are pretty used to hearing from me happy.png.  Thanks for the help!

Hi Jennifer,

Just as a work around, could you insert blank label controls in between the spaces where you want the form controls to line up.   This way if controls exist they shouldn't automatically push on top of another control and will be forced to remain in place.


