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On the source environment, we "appified" a list, created a solution against that list, and used the "auto generated rules" to add attachments to a SharePoint list. After deploying the package to the target environment, the form was not functional anymore.


It seems as if the rules behind the "when add attachment button is clicked" action, got "split up" into two separate actions.

The rules behind this button, is opening a sub-view, then the user will browse for an attachment, then the sub-view would close, and finally write some info to the attachment list view. (The above is working fine in the "source environment".)

Initially, there were 3 or 4 rules AND a "close the sub-view" rules behind the button. Post deployment (On the target environment), there is now only a "close the sub-view" rule behind the button.

In addition to that, there is now a NEW (Un-configured) rule that has been added to the form rules. The "other 3 or 4 rules" that WERE behind the "when add attachment button is clicked" action, is now behind this "un-configured rule".


If you are in a pinch, and need to get this fixed fast, you can just re-create the runs that are behind the "un-configured" action, and place them behind the "when add attachment button is clicked". (You can verify that the rules are correct by comparing them against the rules on the source environment.)

This issue has been addressed in a rollup. After applying the rollup in both the client's development and production environments, the issue was resolved. If you run into this problem on 4.6.11, please log a support ticket and request the latest 4.6.11 smartforms rollup.

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