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Deployed a workflow and related objects to a different SharePoint instance. Deployment was succesful, log file didn't show any error. When I try to view/edit Workflow in target instnace, workflow doesn't show. I can see views/forms that were deployed at same time but not workflow. I checked in K2 Workspace, it's listed under Workflow Server > Processes.


What am I doing wrong?



 I have run into this same issue. The workflow was probably deployed but there are no permissions associated with it. The way to find your workflow is to click on your form and choose the "Design a Workflow" option.




Refresh your page if you do not see the workflow in designer and it should appear. Please let me know if this helped.



Bryan Peters

THis is exactly what happened. Thanks for providing detailed steps.


This morning I worked with K2 support. Here is what they had me do..


The package was created under a service account. While I was looking for Workflow under my own windows account.


So they had me login to Windows under that windows service account. First it didn't show up in designer. But it showed in K2 Workspace. We deleted it there and re-deployed package. Now workflow started showing up in designer.  The we shared it with everyone the way you described. He was not sure, why permissions were not carred over in the target instance or initially why workflow was not showing in designer at all (even under the service account that created package).


