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HI all,


Looking for advice on how its possible to handle this scenerio.


I have one activity and one form whcih shows a checklist (listview) that is dynamic according to which user is opening the form.

I have a checklist table which maps which item each user see's in the list view.


checklist item A = user A, userB

checklist item B = user A, user B

checklist item C = user A, userC


So user A can see all items in the list. User B can see checklist item A and B. User C can only see checklist item C.


Now each checklist has a status field and processinstanceid. Each request only has one of each checkilist item.


Now in the activity I get all the users and then assign them the same task with the same form.


Now user A goes into the form and changes the status of checklist item A to "Completed" and checklist item C to "Completed".

Now user B goes into the form and changes the status of checklist item B to "Completed".


As you can see all checklist items have now been completed by user A and B. The problem is the activity still remains assigned to user C.

How do I dynamiclly, move the task on to the next activity if all items have been completed by the other users.


Your advice will be greatly appreciated. 



I suggest you change your outcomes to inspect how many items have been completed.

In the outcome rule do a count of the list itesm with the relevant filters and match it to how many you are expecting.

Make sure it will evaluate to true once all the items have been completed.

This will ensure the outcome is achieved and will complete the activity, expiring the outstanding worklist items.


Let us know if this works.




Thanks for your reply.


I think that would work if the user submits and I have a smartobject call to check how many items have been completed and then put in a code event to expire that activity and go to the next one. However, Im starting to see that this way of handling this scenerio is not ideal.


For example user; Lets say I have about ten checklist items. And user A and B can both complete either one. If user A goes and ticks two items and submits , 8 items are then left for user B to tick and complete before the workflow moves on. So the workload is unbalanced. I do not want to split the workload fro the start beacause, for example; when user A is on leave user B must complete all tasks and vice versa.


Can anyone think of how to handle this scenerio in a better way


