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Hello K2 Server Experts,

I am trying to set up another K2 administrator with the same rights that I have so that he will be able to monitor workflows as I can. I ve used the 2003 Service Manager (Version: 3.5140.1.0) to configure this new person with rights for both the processes involved and in the Manage Security area.

He has been assigned the same rights as I have, yet when using the 2003 Workspace he finds that Process Overview is not enabled, so he can t review workflows. What piece of elementary configuration am I leaving out?

Hey Arnold,

Jeez, I haven't seen this before...
Could he access Process Overview before you made the changes?

What version of 2003 are you running?
Any errors in the K2Error.txt file when he logs in?
Is his name displayed in the top right hand corner of Workspace?
Have you tried to restart the K2Server Service?

