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 I have one question for an issue (feature) that probably most of you guys already dealt with. Here is my scenario: I have a workflow process where there is an state (activity) that should have dynamic destinations. If I know all of the destinations before transitioning to the activity (the activity destination rule is being executed) the implementation is straightforward. I just modify the destination rule and add the destinations dynamically reading them from some source. But in my scenario I need to be able to add/remove destinations after the activity destination rule has completed. The client event for that activity is an infopath form where the user has the ability to add/remove users from the inital list of destinations. I've found couple of threads here that have a workarround using escalations and activity expiration, but I'm really concerned about the performance in this case as I may have a lot of process instances and having an escalation is somewhat of a polling mechanism which in my case should run let say efey 1 minute as an example. I can always try to the other approach and signal the process externally, but I'm not sure how the Infpath whcih of course should be web compatible will handle this custom code, since I've already had a lot of security issues when trying to handle similar situations.

 Here is what I've found here untill now:

 Platform: K2 2003 + Infopath

 Your help will be greatly appreciated,

 Plamen Simeonov

If you don't want to use an escalation, I think you'll need to have each user Finish the client event, then have an additional line coming out of that activity that loops back to itself.  The rule behind this line would determine if it was a user change and so the execution would go back to the same activity at which point the destination rule would fire and a new activity instance would be planned with the appropriate users.
Yeah. This is one of the option I thought above, but I need it real time and not when the current activity instance completes. I need something like the dynamic queue where if there is a change in the AD group it automatically creates new work items for the new users in the group and removes them for the one that were removed. Unfortunatelly this dynamic queues can only be related to an AD group. There is no way you can create your own custom dynamic queue and add programatically users to it. Not even in blackpearl. Actually I don't know how this feature it is implemented internally, but my guess is that it something similar to the escalation way since it has a polling period you can set for it. But probably it is done on a little bit lower level and the performance drawback may not be that big.
