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Simple question - can it be done?

Scenario: I have a process managing Sales Contract processing. At a stage in the process, I need to kick off some offline billings processes (bill, credit, cancellation) based on values captured in a form and stored in SmartObjects. These Billings processes can also be started manually, and so they have been built in a separate Solution File to the Contracts Processes.

When I add an IPC event, browsing for the child process only shows me the processes in the currently loaded solution file.

How do I use the process object to call and start a process built and deployed as part of a separate Solution file?



Paul, simple answer, As of now if you use IPC events can only browse processes within your current project. You cannot browse a process in IPC which does not belong to current solution.

Solution: though it is not perfect solution, I would create a empty process in my current solution. When i need to IPC a process which does not exist in my current project, i would use the datafield in process name ( in IPC Wizard). When next is pressed, k2 will ask for design time value for IPC, use the empty process (Or any process) here.

When your process will run, populate the datafield with correct process (Projectprocessname). This way you can use any process as IPC even if that does not exist in your current solution.




Thanks for that. I'll run it past my techie in the morning. One other option I thought of might be to handle this outside of K2 - the form we are using is an InfoPath one, and I am not sure if we can use code to kick off processes on submission of an infopath form based on values in the SmartObjects. I know it can be done from an aspx form, and as the form itself is pretty simple, I may use this as a fallback - re-writing the form as an aspx form, and adding the code to start the processes on form submission.

 I'll see what they recon in the morning!

 Thanks for the response, I can now keep to my customer's demanding schedule!


Hi Harvinder, I ve tried ur example but it dint work, can u provide me the detailed steps to work with IPC to call another solution file's process to the current solution file....
srikanth, can you share what you tried and what did not work ?. more details would be helpful

Hi Harvinder, Thx for the reply

I have Two processes K2ProcessEx1.kprx(Parent), FGProcess1.kprx(Child), from 2 different solution files.I want to integrate, add FGProcess1.kprx(Child) to  K2ProcessEx1.kprx(Parent), for that I have added an IPC in K2ProcessEx1.kprx(parent) process of Parent solution file,in that I have a DataFiled as u said above,when next is pressed, it has asked me to provide Design Time values.what I should provide in this field. I dint find Child process name FGProcess1.kprx in that window. And what is the best practice for integration of processes from different solution files. What dependencies we have for a k2process. I have tried by add existing item to the Parent process. But it dint work. Plz suggest the best solution.

How to add images here from my local system. Actually i have taken screenshots of my solution donno how to retrieve...

