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I am having an issue with a 2003 configuration. For a particular workflow I need to have multiple domains added to the K2Server.Config. There is a total of about 12 domains on th corp network with about 180,000 users, not counting distribution groups, etc. When more than 2 of the domains are added the K2 Sevices stop after about 8 hours.Web Services time out, InfoPath cannot submit. Things like that. Everything else on the server runs fine. Anyone have any ideas or thoughts?

 Quick Stats:

Windows 2003 Server SP2

MOSS 2007

SQL 2005

Dual Quad Core 3.0Ghz

8GB of RAM

Please confirm the version of K2 are you running? (I am assuming SP4 since you're running MOSS 2007).

 There is a hotfix for K2 SP4 to better handle more than 2 domains. Also, you may want to consider:

  1. Reducing the refresh interval for ADCaching. Default is ot refresh every 10 minutes. This can easily overwhelm any machine for large volume/complex domain conditions if having to traverse/resolve the structure's memberships.
  2. Reduce the number of domains and slowly add another one by one until the system experiences the symptoms again. This will assist in determining whether the specific domain condition is a factor (user/group volumes, deep nesting, domain/network latency to this domain, etc.) and/or a 'safe' threshold for the short term.

I would also highly recommend opening a support ticket if not already done.



Thanks for the response Dave. I don't know it the hotfix was applied. I will have to talk with our IT guys about that. We are using SP4 and I did change the ADCache a while back to 240 and then start adding domains. I get to the 4th domain and it stops. I will find out about the hotfix.

the SP4 hotfixes are accessible via a link on the Portal's "Downloads" > "Product downloads" > " 2003" page (" 2003 wih SP4" section has an obscure "(Click here for®️ 2003 with SP4 hotfixes)" option.

Look at Hotfix 3 (Multi-domain hotfix).


I have added the hotfix to the K2 Server and the issue still resides. Now I am running in console mode hoping to see some type of issue since no error logs are generated when the services stop.

Does it happen when you add a SPECIFIC Domain as the 4th domain or with ANY domain as the 4th domain?



This happens when adding any domain in the network. Once you get pass 3 domains services will fail after a few hours.
