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I've a Nintex Form and I want to create a link on the form (non workflow) which includes a variable value.


I'm attempting to have the link open in a new tab and the result would be a filtered SharePoint 2013 list. A list lookup control on the form is a no go.

I've played with labels, calculated values, single, rich text boxes, insert functions.

Any ideas?



use calc value control with formula like this

"<a href=""" + varAppendToLink + """> click here </a>"‍‍



calculated value‌ calculated field‌ calculation control‌ url‌ link‌   _blank‌

Thanks, works as described in my situation, now wrestlign where/how to put the target="_blank" attribute/

anywhere in opening <A> tag - HTML a target Attribute  happy.png


That is what I'm playing with. All looks correct. Yet, when I preview my form, it fails to load and the only change is adding the target="_blank"

i.e. "<a href=""" + EmployeeDisplayName + """ target="_blank" > Recent Client Ticket History </a>"

you have to escape apostrophes around _blank just like ones for href attribute wink.png

Genius! Thanks very much.

For those like me who had no idea what a escape apostrophe was. Googleing with some trial and error my url looks as follows:

"<a href=""" + EmployeeDisplayName + """ target=""_blank"" > Recent Client Ticket History </a>"

Amazing - I always thought "open in new window" wasn't possible in nintex forms!  learn something every day happy.png

if you are done with your issue, mark the question answered.

FYI - I've been doing testing using the the employee's preferredname i.e. active directory display name as part of the url. If your users don't have a hyphenated name you'll be OK.

I've several users who had hypenated surnames i.e. Bob Nin-Tex. The created url would only go as far as the name Bob Nin. Luckily for me we record employee numbers within AD, so I've been able to change my variable to use that field as part of the userprofilelookup and then alter the created url to filter on an employee number column, not the logged to column.
