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Hi everyone,

I would like to add a reference to an external DLL in a K2 Worflow project.

I need to use an external feature (eg. PDF reading...), but I'm unable to add any reference or using in my project.

Do you have any clue ?



I would imagine you are using visual studio?  Just open the project explorer right click on the process and add reference.  Is that not working?

Yes i have visual studio 2005, but "add reference" does not exist in the Workflow Project. In the view "Class View", i have a folder "Project References" but without "add reference"...

When you click on the project in the Solution Explorer you should see a green workflow looking button that says 'Show Extender Projects' when you hover.   Click it and you'll be able to access the c# projects under your process.  Add your references to the underlying projects just like any other c# project. 

Are you using blackpearl SP1?

If so, as stated in the SP1 Release Notes document (page 😎, adding references directly to the extender projects is no longer supported.  You should now use the new Project References wizard that was added to the process design canvas with SP1 (the right most button above the process design canvas; see attached screenshot).  With this you can browse directly to the .NET assembly, COM DLL or Web Service and then use the referenced class within any code area (i.e. Server Event) in the project.




Thank you RMillar. I have add the .dll in my project but i have another problem. K2 return this error ( in the Workspace) :

Could not load file or assembly 'fusionPDF, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.



Did you this to the extender project or via the project references wizard?


I have this error when i create a new process instance ("Start New" button).

Unfortunately that doesn't answer the question of how was the DLL referenced.  Was the DLL referenced from within the Extender Project via the traditional Visual Studio way or from the new SP1 Project Reference wizard button?


The DLL referenced from within the Extender Project via the traditional Visual Studio. Do you think that the SP1 Project Reference wizard button can resolve my problem ?

If you have SP1 I would definately use the Project Reference wizard button to do this as direct references in the extender projects are no longer supported with SP1.


I'm having the same problems with cannot find the custom assembly.  I added the reference via the standard visual studio add project reference.  I'm unable to rollout SP1.  Any ideas how to resolve this?



This can also happen if the assembly you are adding has a dependency on another assembly that cannot be found.

Thanks for your response David.  I found out the reason why it's not included in the deployment.  It seems when I do a build when the process is open and then create a deployment package the assembly is missing but if I close the process, build and create a deployment package the assembly is included.  This environment is pre SP1.  I will check if this still happens when SP1 is rolled out.


