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Hi I am using the AdamUM usermanager. I have synchronized users from Active directory and I can add these users as destinations. Everything works fine - I can start my process and items get assigned to the correct users.

My problems start when I try and use groups in the destiation rule instead of users.

I have several groups defined in ADAM - but not in Active Directory. The user that I sync from AD have been added to these groups. If I add a group in the destination rule of an activity that seems to work but when I try and start a process that goes from start to the first activity where a group is assigned in the destination rule then the K2 Service manager reports an error.

I have enabled error logging but there are no errors written to the log - everything seems to be succesful - but I can't advance the item.
Can you tell me which version of the ADAM user manager you are using? (Look at the properties of ADAMUM.dll)
Hi, sorry for the late reply - the version number is 3.4058.1.0. (2/27/2004).
I have emailed you the latest version of the ADAM user manager. Please try this version and let me know the outcome.
Hi Thanks, that worked. Had to make sure I completely removed the destination que and rule templates (in property templates in K2Studio) and re-added them, then it worked perfectly. I tested the process in the workspace and everything gets routed properly to the users in the respective groups.

