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Hi guys,

I have read the K2 advanced destinations document and its not clear to me if this scenario is possible. I have an activity with a form event. Lets say I have a list of five users. I want all five users to be able to open the form but as soon as one user actions the form, the worklist item should be removed from all users' worklist. Currently, I have the first part right where any user can open the form but when a user actions a form, the other worklist items for the other four users still remain.

Thanks in advance. 

Okay I think I understand what happened.  You changed the slots available in the Advanced Destinations to create a slot for each destination user which would be correct in your scenario. Now you need to change the default Succeeding Rule on the activity from "All Slots" to "At Least" in the "Logical Function" then enter 1 in the "Logical Data".  This will allow the activity to complete if only 1 person performs the task.

Hope this helps.


Excellent. Thank you very much.

Would you happen to know, if creating a slot for each destination can have any side issues like performance of the blackpearl server etc.

Its a common scenario and I've never experienced performance issues with it.

With that said one scenario where potentially it could affect performance would be if this task was assigned to a large number of people and if you were using InfoPath client events that allowed the attachment of documents into the InfoPath form (not recommended).  That would be a potential performance problem but can be effectively designed around by replacing the attachments in InfoPath with links and storing the attachments in SharePoint.

There is only going to be about 5-10 slots at most. Thank you very much for your help.

