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Activity Description field limited to 256 characters


Unfortunately, the field size was limited when it was designed, and is not a bug, but was designed that way.


You will be able to use the Activity Metadata to display steps by following this work around:

1. On the form/view the user is going to see add a Worklist control and set the rows to one this will display the latest worklist item kicked off by that person. (The rows can be made more but this just helps to narrow down to the latest item in the list)
2. Then add a Text area. (This is going to display the Activity Metadata to be used as the description).
NOTE: The user will not be able to see the Activity metadata in the view flow or in the SmartObject tester tool, but can be viewed in SQL.
3. Add a new rule to open a worklist item once the item has been double clicked on the worklist control.
4. Use the serial number property under the worklist control under Data category in the context browser.
5. Now add a transfer rule action.
6. Drag over the Activity metadata property over to the Text Area. (This property can be used in a show message as well if you do not wish to add a control to the layout to display the description).
7. Finish and run the form/view.
8. Double click on the instance in the list.
9. The worklist item will be opened and the data will be transferred to the Text Area.

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