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How do I query for the first and last name using the out-of-the-box Active Directory Service2 Service instance? currently it isn't a property of any of its SmartObjects. It has DisplayName, but our company stores DisplayName as "Last, First". We'd like our notifications to display "First Last".


Perhaps one of the options below will meet this requirement:

_1 The Community's Dynamic Active Directory Service Broker

I believe this broker may allow you to return other properties that the Out-of-the-box one currently does not, possibly the First Name and Last Name also. As this was not developed by K2, it is not supported by K2 Support so please thoroughly test this broker before implementation. Perhaps the same forum for this broker can provide you with assistance if needed.

_2 Depending on where you are attempting to use these fields, within Smartforms rule or perhaps within process email event/task notification you may be able to use Functions/Expression to convert the string 'Surname, FirstName' to the string 'FirstName Surname' instead:


The Community site would also be a great resources for perhaps other implementations that not covered in this post.

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