Hi geek,
Why don't U go for SQLUM ?
I am also not sure whether what I am suggesting is right or not because I have not worked in AD at all. In SQLUM , U can also configure the database as per Ur requirement.
I am also doing the same thing.
SQLUM is still a valid option, but AD is more reliable to work with. I would rather to stick with AD or ADAM in large implementations.
Btw, did you check this note about SQLUM:
"Please Note: The K2.net 2003 SQL User Manager is not supported by the
K2.net Support Team. It is therefore recommended that the components are
tested prior to implementation as part of a production environment."
Do you find SQLUM reliable and scalable enough in your production environment?
On the other, Destination Queues are also a valid option. But you will build your own destination group within K2 only...
Thanks for your reply!
I suggested to go for SQLUM only because I am currently using it . I have no idea at all about AD. I found SQLUM also to be scalable cause I was able to add extra columns in one of the table provided by SQLUM.
U can also go for Destination Queue.
Just a note here. The open source version of SQLUM is unsupported. However, the later versions (non-open source. i.e. SP2a or later) are supported. There are many customers that I do know of who use SQLUM in production environments under load.
As mentioned, SQLUM is primarily used when AD is not an option in the environment. AD is still a preferred choice due to it's ability to scale better (i.e. horizontal vs vertical for SQL Server).