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We are working on a proof of concept to create SQL Reports (using Reporting Services) from the K2 data. We have an InfoPath integrated process that contains some process specific data we do not wish to store in our database (and therefore are interested in pulling this data out of K2's database for the process).

We are trying to access the InfoPath XML.

I noticed the table _ProcXml, but the entries with name "K2InfoPathSchema" always contain empty metadata (OnDemand = 0). The situation is the same with _ActXml. Is the InfoPath XML kept somewhere else? Or do we only have a meaningful way to access data in _ProcData?

Thanks in advance
Hi xlay

Included you will find more information explaining what the fields are for the Log database.

The information on the tables of the database was very helpful; however, what we are dealing with is trying to get the xml values from the database into a usable form to do reporting say from SQL reporting. Any ideas on how to do this. :roll:

Hi xlay,


I know this is an old post, but have you found where the infopath data are stored (i am using BP4.6.8)? I have looked into the same table as you mention but its always empty, i just like to know where the data are stored.


