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When attempting to create a package via Web PandampD, the following error is logged:

Access the path 'C:ProgramDataSourceCodeTemp{randomcharacters}.kspx{guid}' is denied.
Service: PackageDeploymentService


The K2 Service Account will need access to this location when generating packages.


Granting the K2 Service Account Full Control to this directory 'C:ProgramDataSourceCodeTemp' resolved the issue. As there appears to be a documentation gap, a documentation enhancement request was logged.


The same issue may happen if you installing K2 blackpearl 4.7 and your K2 service account has not been added into Local Administrator group - then number of KSPX packages which supposed to be deployed in the process fail to deploy without indication WHY:



You can verify if you run into this if you go to "C:Program Files (x86)K2 blackpearlSetup" and double click one of these packages and try to deploy it, e.g. click on Management.kspx - even on preparing package stage before analysis it will throw errors indicating insufficient access rights on a file system level.


It seems there are no strict requirement for K2 service account to be in Local Administrators but rather a set of requirement permissions stipulated - but this list misses this specific permission - Modify on "C:ProgramDataSourceCodeTemp", though in my test environments I get used to adding K2 service account in Local Administrators group to save time on configuring more granular permissions.
What I noticed when running into this is that if you just add your K2 service account into local administrator group and re-run PnD you may still see these errors - until you remove all contents of this temp folder (may require stopping of K2 service). But even after this simple re-run of K2 Configuration Analysis + Repair button does not help to resolve errors in setup manager.


What you need to do next is to run K2 blackpearl setup manager from installation media and perform Repair - then KSPX packages deploying just fine.


Little extra note: there is no Local Admin membership requirement for K2 service account in K2 documentation (I so used doing this in my test environments that I was almost started to think it is a requirement 🙂 until revisited requirements ). So you just need grant permissions for K2 service account to specific folder (this supposed to be in K2 documentation, though it is not there yet).
