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We have been unable to deploy a K2 Process with a client event Notification for the last two days.

We had been able to deploy the process just fine before, and the changes done to the process where minimal. Also, from 2 days ago as well, we've  been getting Access Denied errors when we try to access the Custom Notification Event Designer in K2 Workspace.

Funny thing is, notifications that were already installed on the previous version of the porcess work fine.

The K2 Logs show the three errors below every time we try to access the Event Designer, or try to deploy the process:

"7609974","2011-09-20 11:03:45","Error","System","2025","InternalMarshalError","SourceCode.Hosting.Server.Runtime.HostServerBroker.InternalMarshal","2025 Error Marshalling SourceCode.EventBus.Server.ClientServerImplimentation.GetCustomEventsWithIDs, Access is denied.
","system","::1","d:Program Files (x86)K2 blackpearlHost ServerBin","7609974","de11910977564556979e8a3eb1415b9d",""
"7609975","2011-09-20 11:03:45","Error","System","2025","InternalMarshalError","SourceCode.Hosting.Server.Services.TCPClientSocket.InternalMarshal","2025 Error Marshalling SourceCode.EventBus.Server.ClientServerImplimentation.GetCustomEventsWithIDs, Access is denied.
","system","::1","d:Program Files (x86)K2 blackpearlHost ServerBin","7609975","48d0d1f715834d0fbafc18e8eac7ed77",""
"7609976","2011-09-20 11:03:45","Error","Unknown","8060","ProcessPacketError","SourceCode.Hosting.Server.Services.TCPClientSocket.ProcessPacket","8060 ProcessPacket Error, Access is denied.
","system","::1","d:Program Files (x86)K2 blackpearlHost ServerBin","7609976","791da22ad6994ebd85fd2bfcca25abc3",""

I've been trying to see what changed in the environment to figure out why we started getting this error, but i'm at a a loss as to what i need to check in terms of permissions for the Notification Service (where the problem seems to lie).


Anyone have any ideas?


This might be directly related to MSMQ. K2 notifications utilizes MSMQ, this is where I would start. Refer to:



Thank you... 

Will investigate and reply back when i figure if that was the problem.


Thanks please do let us know how this progresses, would really like to hear.


Unfortunately, all settings for MSMQ are correct, as there is a "brother" server to this one, on the same network, with the same domain, etc (replica), and on that one, i have no Access Denied error.

Any other ideas?



I think the server is trying to access the database to make the GetCustomEventsWithIDs call.

Check if the K2Server still has access to the K2EventBus database.

I see there is a stored procedure called dbo.aGetCustomEventsWithIDs in the K2EventBus database and I think there is where it is failing. Before you troubleshoot the individual Stored Procedure, first check the rights of the K2 Service Account to this database. It should have database owner rights on this database.

Hope this resolves it!


I will verify that, but considering the "brother" server has the same service account configured and does not have any problems, i don't think that would be the problem.

Thanks for your suggestion anyways. :)


I've verified acces of the K2 Service Account, and the accoutn is sysadmin of the Database, so not the problem.

I'm getting desperate... It's been a week, and i haven't been able to figure out what is wrong...

If anyone has any other suggestions, i'd appreciate them.


Let's move away from the custom event designer error and focus on the deployment errors.

The deployment is probably failing because the event notifications cannot be created. You can verify this by turning on full verbose logging in Visual Studio (Options > Project and Solutions > MSBuild Project build Output Verbosity) and then trying to deploy. The output window should display what is going on (might be worthwhile to post the output here so we can take a look).

There is something else you can try. But it might be a long shot and tedious to implement, but I understand you are desperate. Go into each client event and uncheck the checkbox to send notifications. Deploy the process. The deployment should work. Now go into the workflow again and recheck all the checkboxes to send notifications (if you had configurable notifications, ensure to back each of these up because you will need to reconfigure these. Hopefully this will recreate the notifications and you will no longer have any issues.

Let me know if this worked.



First of all, thanks for the reply. :)

As for your suggestions, we're not deploying from Visual Studio, we are creating a deployment package, and deploying with MSbuild on the server.

Here is the log of that deployment:

Microsoft (R) Build Engine Version 2.0.50727.4016
[Microsoft .NET Framework, Version 2.0.50727.4206]
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 2005. All rights reserved.

Build started 16-09-2011 16:15:42.
Project "C: ec1 - K2Server1.3 - Processo BlackpearlDeploymentCA.GestaoProcessos.Proc.Processes.GGER.msbuild" (default targets):

Target Deploy Processes:
    Project "C: ec1 - K2Server1.3 - Processo BlackpearlDeploymentCA.GestaoProcessos.Proc.Processes.GGER.msbuild" is building "C: ec1 - K2Server1.3 - Processo BlackpearlDeploymentCA.GestaoProcessos.Proc.Processes.GGER.msbuild" (InitDeploy target(s)):

    Deploy Processes: Task Started (16-09-2011 16:15:43)
    Adding Process : CA.GestaoProcessos.Proc.Processes.GGERProc_GestaoGruposEconomicosRisco
    Deploy Process: Task Completed (16-09-2011 16:15:49)
Target Create Notifications:
    Notification Service: Task Started (16-09-2011 16:15:49)
       Server Connection: Try and Open K2GPSERVERQL.FE.CACORE.INT:5555
       Server Connection: Connected to K2GPSERVERQL.FE.CACORE.INT:5555
       Server Connection: Try and Close Any Open Connections to K2GPSERVERQL.FE.CACORE.INT:5555
       Server Connection: Done Closing Any Open Connections to K2GPSERVERQL.FE.CACORE.INT:5555
        Notifications Added to Worklist:   1
        Notifications Deleted to Worklist: 0
    Notification Service: Task Error: Access is denied.
     (16-09-2011 16:15:50)
    C: ec1 - K2Server1.3 - Processo BlackpearlDeploymentCA.GestaoProcessos.Proc.Processes.GGER.msbuild(108,5): error : Notification Service: Task Error: Access is denied.
    C: ec1 - K2Server1.3 - Processo BlackpearlDeploymentCA.GestaoProcessos.Proc.Processes.GGER.msbuild(108,5): error :
    C: ec1 - K2Server1.3 - Processo BlackpearlDeploymentCA.GestaoProcessos.Proc.Processes.GGER.msbuild(108,5): error MSB4018: The "SourceCode.DeploymentTasks.NotificationService.NotificationTask" task failed unexpectedly.
    C: ec1 - K2Server1.3 - Processo BlackpearlDeploymentCA.GestaoProcessos.Proc.Processes.GGER.msbuild(108,5): error MSB4018: System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: Access is denied.
    C: ec1 - K2Server1.3 - Processo BlackpearlDeploymentCA.GestaoProcessos.Proc.Processes.GGER.msbuild(108,5): error MSB4018:
    C: ec1 - K2Server1.3 - Processo BlackpearlDeploymentCA.GestaoProcessos.Proc.Processes.GGER.msbuild(108,5): error MSB4018:    at SourceCode.Hosting.Client.BaseAPI.BaseAPIConnection.RemoteCall(String TypeName, String MethodName, Object.] Parameters, BooleanI] NullList, MarshalMessageType CallType)
    C: ec1 - K2Server1.3 - Processo BlackpearlDeploymentCA.GestaoProcessos.Proc.Processes.GGER.msbuild(108,5): error MSB4018:    at SourceCode.Hosting.Client.BaseAPI.BaseAPI.RemoteCall(String TypeName, String MethodName, ObjectÂ] Parameters, Booleann] NullList, MarshalMessageType CallType)
    C: ec1 - K2Server1.3 - Processo BlackpearlDeploymentCA.GestaoProcessos.Proc.Processes.GGER.msbuild(108,5): error MSB4018:    at SourceCode.Hosting.Client.BaseAPI.BaseAPI.RemoteSessionCall(String TypeName, String MethodName, Object ] Parameters)
    C: ec1 - K2Server1.3 - Processo BlackpearlDeploymentCA.GestaoProcessos.Proc.Processes.GGER.msbuild(108,5): error MSB4018:    at SourceCode.EventBus.ClientAPI.Notification.UpdateWorklistItemNotification(List`1 worklistItemIdentifiers)
    C: ec1 - K2Server1.3 - Processo BlackpearlDeploymentCA.GestaoProcessos.Proc.Processes.GGER.msbuild(108,5): error MSB4018:    at SourceCode.DeploymentTasks.NotificationService.Common.Publish()
    C: ec1 - K2Server1.3 - Processo BlackpearlDeploymentCA.GestaoProcessos.Proc.Processes.GGER.msbuild(108,5): error MSB4018:    at SourceCode.DeploymentTasks.NotificationService.NotificationTask.Execute()
    C: ec1 - K2Server1.3 - Processo BlackpearlDeploymentCA.GestaoProcessos.Proc.Processes.GGER.msbuild(108,5): error MSB4018:    at Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine.TaskEngine.ExecuteTask(ExecutionMode howToExecuteTask, Hashtable projectItemsAvailableToTask, BuildPropertyGroup projectPropertiesAvailableToTask, Boolean& taskClassWasFound)
Done building target "Create Notifications" in project "CA.GestaoProcessos.Proc.Processes.GGER.msbuild" -- FAILED.

Done building project "CA.GestaoProcessos.Proc.Processes.GGER.msbuild" -- FAILED.

C: ec1 - K2Server1.3 - Processo BlackpearlDeploymentCA.GestaoProcessos.Proc.Processes.GGER.msbuild(108,5): error : Notification Service: Task Error: Access is denied.
C: ec1 - K2Server1.3 - Processo BlackpearlDeploymentCA.GestaoProcessos.Proc.Processes.GGER.msbuild(108,5): error :
C: ec1 - K2Server1.3 - Processo BlackpearlDeploymentCA.GestaoProcessos.Proc.Processes.GGER.msbuild(108,5): error MSB4018: The "SourceCode.DeploymentTasks.NotificationService.NotificationTask" task failed unexpectedly.
C: ec1 - K2Server1.3 - Processo BlackpearlDeploymentCA.GestaoProcessos.Proc.Processes.GGER.msbuild(108,5): error MSB4018: System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: Access is denied.
C: ec1 - K2Server1.3 - Processo BlackpearlDeploymentCA.GestaoProcessos.Proc.Processes.GGER.msbuild(108,5): error MSB4018:
C: ec1 - K2Server1.3 - Processo BlackpearlDeploymentCA.GestaoProcessos.Proc.Processes.GGER.msbuild(108,5): error MSB4018:    at SourceCode.Hosting.Client.BaseAPI.BaseAPIConnection.RemoteCall(String TypeName, String MethodName, Object,] Parameters, Boolean ] NullList, MarshalMessageType CallType)
C: ec1 - K2Server1.3 - Processo BlackpearlDeploymentCA.GestaoProcessos.Proc.Processes.GGER.msbuild(108,5): error MSB4018:    at SourceCode.Hosting.Client.BaseAPI.BaseAPI.RemoteCall(String TypeName, String MethodName, ObjectR] Parameters, Booleanr] NullList, MarshalMessageType CallType)
C: ec1 - K2Server1.3 - Processo BlackpearlDeploymentCA.GestaoProcessos.Proc.Processes.GGER.msbuild(108,5): error MSB4018:    at SourceCode.Hosting.Client.BaseAPI.BaseAPI.RemoteSessionCall(String TypeName, String MethodName, Objectb] Parameters)
C: ec1 - K2Server1.3 - Processo BlackpearlDeploymentCA.GestaoProcessos.Proc.Processes.GGER.msbuild(108,5): error MSB4018:    at SourceCode.EventBus.ClientAPI.Notification.UpdateWorklistItemNotification(List`1 worklistItemIdentifiers)
C: ec1 - K2Server1.3 - Processo BlackpearlDeploymentCA.GestaoProcessos.Proc.Processes.GGER.msbuild(108,5): error MSB4018:    at SourceCode.DeploymentTasks.NotificationService.Common.Publish()
C: ec1 - K2Server1.3 - Processo BlackpearlDeploymentCA.GestaoProcessos.Proc.Processes.GGER.msbuild(108,5): error MSB4018:    at SourceCode.DeploymentTasks.NotificationService.NotificationTask.Execute()
C: ec1 - K2Server1.3 - Processo BlackpearlDeploymentCA.GestaoProcessos.Proc.Processes.GGER.msbuild(108,5): error MSB4018:    at Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine.TaskEngine.ExecuteTask(ExecutionMode howToExecuteTask, Hashtable projectItemsAvailableToTask, BuildPropertyGroup projectPropertiesAvailableToTask, Boolean& taskClassWasFound)
    0 Warning(s)
    2 Error(s)

Time Elapsed 00:00:07.82
--- End Deploy

As for your solution to uncheck the box for the notification, we have already tried that uncheck. Trouble is, when we uncheck, the process still does not deploy. I don't have the deploy log of that process, but we did try installing a new process (a replica of the old one) with a new name, and with no task notification, and the deploy result was (which was exaclty the same as the unckeck version of the old process):

Microsoft (R) Build Engine Version 2.0.50727.4016
lMicrosoft .NET Framework, Version 2.0.50727.4206]
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 2005. All rights reserved.

Build started 22-09-2011 12:16:00.
Project "C: ec1.3 - Processo BlackpearlDeploymentCA.GestaoProcessos.Proc.Pro
cesses.GGER.msbuild" (default targets):

Target Deploy Processes:
    Project "C: ec1.3 - Processo BlackpearlDeploymentCA.GestaoProcessos.Proc
.Processes.GGER.msbuild" is building "C: ec1.3 - Processo BlackpearlDeploymen
tCA.GestaoProcessos.Proc.Processes.GGER.msbuild" (InitDeploy target(s)):

    Deploy Processes: Task Started (22-09-2011 12:16:01)
    Adding Process : CA.GestaoProcessos.Proc.Processes.GGERProc_GestaoGER
    Deploy Process: Task Completed (22-09-2011 12:16:09)
Target Create Notifications:
    Notification Service: Task Started (22-09-2011 12:16:09)
                 Server Connection: Try and Open K2GPSERVERQL.FE.CACORE.INT:5555

                 Server Connection: Connected to K2GPSERVERQL.FE.CACORE.INT:5555

                 Server Connection: Try and Close Any Open Connections to K2GPSE
                 Server Connection: Done Closing Any Open Connections to K2GPSER

                         Notifications Added to Worklist:   0
                         Notifications Deleted to Worklist: 1
    Notification Service: Task Error: Access is denied.
     (22-09-2011 12:16:09)
    C: ec1.3 - Processo BlackpearlDeploymentCA.GestaoProcessos.Proc.Processe
s.GGER.msbuild(102,5): error : Notification Service: Task Error: Access is denie
    C: ec1.3 - Processo BlackpearlDeploymentCA.GestaoProcessos.Proc.Processe
s.GGER.msbuild(102,5): error :
    C: ec1.3 - Processo BlackpearlDeploymentCA.GestaoProcessos.Proc.Processe
s.GGER.msbuild(102,5): error MSB4018: The "SourceCode.DeploymentTasks.Notificati
onService.NotificationTask" task failed unexpectedly.
    C: ec1.3 - Processo BlackpearlDeploymentCA.GestaoProcessos.Proc.Processe
s.GGER.msbuild(102,5): error MSB4018: System.Security.Cryptography.Cryptographic
Exception: Access is denied.
    C: ec1.3 - Processo BlackpearlDeploymentCA.GestaoProcessos.Proc.Processe
s.GGER.msbuild(102,5): error MSB4018:
    C: ec1.3 - Processo BlackpearlDeploymentCA.GestaoProcessos.Proc.Processe
s.GGER.msbuild(102,5): error MSB4018:    at SourceCode.Hosting.Client.BaseAPI.Ba
seAPIConnection.RemoteCall(String TypeName, String MethodName, Objectc] Paramete
rs, Boolean.] NullList, MarshalMessageType CallType)
    C: ec1.3 - Processo BlackpearlDeploymentCA.GestaoProcessos.Proc.Processe
s.GGER.msbuild(102,5): error MSB4018:    at SourceCode.Hosting.Client.BaseAPI.Ba
seAPI.RemoteCall(String TypeName, String MethodName, Objecte] Parameters, Boolea
ng] NullList, MarshalMessageType CallType)
    C: ec1.3 - Processo BlackpearlDeploymentCA.GestaoProcessos.Proc.Processe
s.GGER.msbuild(102,5): error MSB4018:    at SourceCode.Hosting.Client.BaseAPI.Ba
seAPI.RemoteSessionCall(String TypeName, String MethodName, ObjectC] Parameters)

    C: ec1.3 - Processo BlackpearlDeploymentCA.GestaoProcessos.Proc.Processe
s.GGER.msbuild(102,5): error MSB4018:    at SourceCode.EventBus.ClientAPI.Notifi
cation.UpdateWorklistItemNotification(List`1 worklistItemIdentifiers)
    C: ec1.3 - Processo BlackpearlDeploymentCA.GestaoProcessos.Proc.Processe
s.GGER.msbuild(102,5): error MSB4018:    at SourceCode.DeploymentTasks.Notificat
    C: ec1.3 - Processo BlackpearlDeploymentCA.GestaoProcessos.Proc.Processe
s.GGER.msbuild(102,5): error MSB4018:    at SourceCode.DeploymentTasks.Notificat
    C: ec1.3 - Processo BlackpearlDeploymentCA.GestaoProcessos.Proc.Processe
s.GGER.msbuild(102,5): error MSB4018:    at Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine.TaskEngi
ne.ExecuteTask(ExecutionMode howToExecuteTask, Hashtable projectItemsAvailableTo
Task, BuildPropertyGroup projectPropertiesAvailableToTask, Boolean& taskClassWas
Done building target "Create Notifications" in project "CA.GestaoProcessos.Proc.
Processes.GGER.msbuild" -- FAILED.

Done building project "CA.GestaoProcessos.Proc.Processes.GGER.msbuild" -- FAILED

C: ec1.3 - Processo BlackpearlDeploymentCA.GestaoProcessos.Proc.Processes.GG
ER.msbuild(102,5): error : Notification Service: Task Error: Access is denied.
C: ec1.3 - Processo BlackpearlDeploymentCA.GestaoProcessos.Proc.Processes.GG
ER.msbuild(102,5): error :
C: ec1.3 - Processo BlackpearlDeploymentCA.GestaoProcessos.Proc.Processes.GG
ER.msbuild(102,5): error MSB4018: The "SourceCode.DeploymentTasks.NotificationSe
rvice.NotificationTask" task failed unexpectedly.
C: ec1.3 - Processo BlackpearlDeploymentCA.GestaoProcessos.Proc.Processes.GG
ER.msbuild(102,5): error MSB4018: System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicExce
ption: Access is denied.
C: ec1.3 - Processo BlackpearlDeploymentCA.GestaoProcessos.Proc.Processes.GG
ER.msbuild(102,5): error MSB4018:
C: ec1.3 - Processo BlackpearlDeploymentCA.GestaoProcessos.Proc.Processes.GG
ER.msbuild(102,5): error MSB4018:    at SourceCode.Hosting.Client.BaseAPI.BaseAP
IConnection.RemoteCall(String TypeName, String MethodName, Object/] Parameters,
Booleanb] NullList, MarshalMessageType CallType)
C: ec1.3 - Processo BlackpearlDeploymentCA.GestaoProcessos.Proc.Processes.GG
ER.msbuild(102,5): error MSB4018:    at SourceCode.Hosting.Client.BaseAPI.BaseAP
I.RemoteCall(String TypeName, String MethodName, ObjectC] Parameters, Booleanb]
NullList, MarshalMessageType CallType)
C: ec1.3 - Processo BlackpearlDeploymentCA.GestaoProcessos.Proc.Processes.GG
ER.msbuild(102,5): error MSB4018:    at SourceCode.Hosting.Client.BaseAPI.BaseAP
I.RemoteSessionCall(String TypeName, String MethodName, Objects] Parameters)
C: ec1.3 - Processo BlackpearlDeploymentCA.GestaoProcessos.Proc.Processes.GG
ER.msbuild(102,5): error MSB4018:    at SourceCode.EventBus.ClientAPI.Notificati
on.UpdateWorklistItemNotification(List`1 worklistItemIdentifiers)
C: ec1.3 - Processo BlackpearlDeploymentCA.GestaoProcessos.Proc.Processes.GG
ER.msbuild(102,5): error MSB4018:    at SourceCode.DeploymentTasks.NotificationS
C: ec1.3 - Processo BlackpearlDeploymentCA.GestaoProcessos.Proc.Processes.GG
ER.msbuild(102,5): error MSB4018:    at SourceCode.DeploymentTasks.NotificationS
C: ec1.3 - Processo BlackpearlDeploymentCA.GestaoProcessos.Proc.Processes.GG
ER.msbuild(102,5): error MSB4018:    at Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine.TaskEngine.E
xecuteTask(ExecutionMode howToExecuteTask, Hashtable projectItemsAvailableToTask
, BuildPropertyGroup projectPropertiesAvailableToTask, Boolean& taskClassWasFoun
    0 Warning(s)
    2 Error(s)

Time Elapsed 00:00:09.12

Again, thanks for your continued help. I've tried all the things i could think of, and any suggestions are welcome. :)

Wow! I think I've run out of suggestions.

I think you need to log a support ticket now so that K2 Support can assist further.

Hopefully they will be able to assist.


The ticket is already ongoing.. 🙂 I will reply back once the problem is sorted (hopefully in the near future)

Thanks for your help anyways.


Start the setup manager from the start menu and choose configure option. Complete the wizard by clicking on Next until Finish. Hopefully this will recreate the permissons.

Greetings everyone,

The problem is finally solved. Turns out that the problem was with permissions on a specific directory that the K2 Service account needs to have full control access to.

The specific directory is "C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplicationDataMicrosoftCryptoRSA" (and subdirectories).

Once we set these permissions on this directory the process deployed fine.

Cheers to everyone that suggestes possible solutions, and hopefully anyone else that encounters this error will be saved days of hardship. :)

Very Glad you got it solved!
