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I created a SQL table, all is fine when I execute Read, Update, Create, Delete methods, but when trying to execute List method, I am getting access error.
What permissions in SQL does a user need to be able to call List method in a smart object?


Provided the link below to see if the client was using linked servers:

Please see the below link for more information:

- The client also mentioned they are not using any linked servers.

if the previous link does not work then one other thing that we need to do is:
- grant the K2 Service account 'dbo.owner' permissions on this database
- use the "ServiceAccount" Authentication Mode

Additional information:

If both settings: On Different SQL Server" = true and "Use Native SQL Execution" = true then K2 calls the stored procedure sp_addlinkedserver anyway.


The client used the below workaround to resolve the issue:
I was able to use a workaround and set "Use Native SQL Execution" = false.

This has a slight performance decrease as shown here:

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