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Is there an K2.NET Event (component) I can use to access a MS Exchange mailbox?

Our application has a requirement to:
1)access a central exchange mailbox,
2) and to look for a specific message by Subject line
3) and then extract an attahcment
4) and save it to a folder.
No, there's no such out-of-the-box component. What we've done previously, was to write a separate Windows Service connecting to a specific Mailbox through MAPI components. This service will then poll the Mailbox say every 30 seconds and loop through all the mail messages, picking up the required message, parse it and start a new workflow process. I can unfortunately not give you the code as it is firstly UNSUPPORTED and secondly may have some intellectual property constraints.

I am however in the process of writing a knowledge base article on this which should become available early in the new year.

