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I have a view which is loaded as a sub view in a form, but the sub view opens and never ends loading - it has an infinite spinner.

This worked before in the previous version but stopped working after the upgrade.





Steps to reproduce:
In 4.6.9 when using two Advanced conditions and form/view passes validation condition, for some reason if your rule is true for both conditions then "open sub-view" action shows infinite spinner.

This can only be bypassed by removing form/view passes validation for the second condition.

Here is how the conditions are configured: Reproduction Steps

They have a form with two radio buttons list (I will refer to them as Radio_1 and Radio_2), both with yes/no options and a couple of textboxes.

1. If an Advanced Condition is true // checks if Radio_1 value is "Yes"
AND view passes validation // checks validation on Radio_1 - required is checked.
then open sub-view //this opens subview

2. If an advanced Condition is true // checks if Radio_1 values is "Yes" and Radio_2 value is "Yes"
AND view passes validation //checks validation on textboxes and Radio_2 - required is checked
then show a message to the user //action to display message (anything).


According to the above case if both radio buttons have a "Yes" then it should open the subview and show message to the user / vice versa. BUT in this case the message is not shown and the subview shows infinite spinner.

If you disable "view passes validation" on the second condition then the message is shown and subview loads without issues.

However, it is mandatory for this customer to have validation rules (business requirement) and even when just disabling the specific validation on the radio button to be required, it still doesn't resolve the issue.

The next workaround issued resulted in the subview opening, however all the rules continue to execute in the background and the end user will not have a chance to select either the Yes or No button on the subview since it will close because of a rule execution.

Specifically in this case the workaround required only a few advanced conditions however the customer has between 6-7 advanced conditions and the workaround ended up not working.



At the end of the day, we resolved this issue by installing the latest coldfix rollup for SmartForms 4.6.9 - SF and CP 469.3




For this you must contact K2 support.


Some parts of the workaround were implemented and some were not used.



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