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Appit was recently upgraded to 1.5. After uploading the latest version of the App to the App Catalog, clicking on the App resulted in error:




A newer version of the K2 for SharePoint App is available. Contact your administrator to register the K2 for SharePoint App on this site. After that has been done, you can create new K2 artifacts or synchronize existing ones. See for more information






When activating K2 to a new site collection with a large number of subsites (150+), the Activation wizard stops and error after ~20 sites. A "429 Too Many Requests" error may be logged.








Usually a "An update for this add-in is available" warning will be available for updating the current App to the latest version, but this was not present




This is by Sharepoint Design as per:




"Within 24 hours after you upload your update to an organization's add-in catalog, and within a week of uploading it to the Office Store, an indication that an update is available appears next to the add-in's listing on the Site Contents page of every website where it is installed. Users can click a link to update the add-in as shown in Figure 1. Available updates are also exposed in the tenant management UI. When you are developing an update, you don't want to wait 24 hours every time you upload a new version to your test SharePoint add-in catalog. See Update ( for information about how to immediately update an add-in. By default, SharePoint checks every 24 hours for updates to installed add-ins. A farm administrator can set this to another value by using the following SharePoint Management Shell command, where n is the number of hours between checks. Set-SPInternalAppStateUpdateInterval -AppStateSyncHours n If the value is set to 0, then the check is made every time the built-in timer job Internal Add-in State Update executes, which by default is every hour. Farm administrators can use Central Admin to change the frequency of the timer job or run it immediately."




#2 This is currently by design.



#1 The app was updated immediately as per article:




Appit Specific details also available at:




After which launching of the K2 Appit app and running of the Registration Wizard was succesful.




When upgrading from an app catalog-deployed app, such as from Appit 1.4 to Appit 1.5, you do not need to reactivate sites. For new sites and site collections you must activate again, particularly with SharePoint Online.






To continue with activation until all sites within site collection is activated to, use the "Retry" button that is available. Please perform this as many times as needed until all sites are activated to.



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