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Hi Friends,

I created a sample K2 workflow which is having only one activity and it contains only one default client event in that I’m providing Web page URL and SMTP Notification Message. Destination for that activity I’m selected from active directory as me and other user.


             When I’m trying to start process using a web application from my local system it is working fine and the user and I getting mail. When I user try to open the Web Page URL it is giving an error as follows

“4411 NT AUTHORITYANONYMOUS LOGON from is not allowed to open the worklist item SCSHYD-016,33,8”.


But when I’m trying to open that link from my mail it is working fine. I gave all rights for other user (which I gave as destination) for that process in k2 service manager.

Thanks & Regards

Ramesh Paladi

If you have a distributed server configuration, you need Kerberos. Check out the following white paper:

You should also check to make sure the web app you have created is in a virtual directory that has Anonymous access disabled and integrated windows authentication enabled.  After that, check to make sure you web.config file has <identity impersonate="true"> set.

Hi DevidL,

Thanks for your reply, Distributed server means K2 and sharepoint is installed in different server? If yes, then in my case it is not, both K2 and sharepoint is installed in same server.

And one thing i need to share, that is in my application i'm not touching any sharepiont site.

My web application is created is in a virtual directory itself and i disabled Anonymous access in IIS. And i also set <identity impersonate="true">.

Thanks & Regards

Ramesh Paladi
