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After adding a web service reference to my InfoPath based workflow, I get this error (popup from InfoPath) after trying to submit the form:

An exception has occurred. Unable to create a Process Instance. 4129 A database error occured : The format of the file 'Lists.dll' is invalid.

Here's the corresponding K2 log entry:

file 'Lists.dll' is invalid.","43fedbb7bfce44ae8f4d234680487f77","D11D75206B9CB079BF0EBBE6AC698F32"
"94731","2006-11-16 05:11:26","Error","General","4129","DBException","K2Sql.LoadProcess","4129 A database error occured : The format of the file 'Lists.dll' is invalid.","e258d8698d7647aab61a33b0412d6c27","492210B1807B533CF698AFE22DE28222"

'Lists.dll' comes from the SharePoint Lists.asmx web service I'm trying to use.

Any thoughts on how to resolve this?
Okay, I resolved the database error by following the instructions at:

But when the workflow gets to the activity where I run the code to call the SharePoint web service, I get this error in the K2 service manager:

System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Possible SOAP version mismatch: Envelope namespace was unexpected. Expecting
at K2Code14752.CallWebService(DestinationRuleContext K2)
at K2Code14752.Main(DestinationRuleContext& K2)

I'm connecting to a web service on SharePoint 2007. Would that be the cause of the problem?
