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I have an appified sharepoint list that gives a 404 error for both the edit and display forms. I am a domain and site collection admin. The Edit form is the default edit form created by k2, I had edited the new and edit forms before testing any of the forms after the initial K2 Appification.


The 404 error is returned when calling the following http request, from fiddler:


The issue mentioned on this ticket is fixed in 4.7 and we handle the REST calls different that fixes this issue. I cannot repro this on 4.7

For 4.6.11 you can try the following workaround: Edit the SHAREPOINT web app web.config

Find the requestLimits node under hiddenSegments and replace with the following

Find the httpRuntime node under system.web (Should be the first hit from the top) and replace with

Do an iisreset on your sharepoint WFE.

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