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When trying to access the K2 Workspace site from a workstation machine, user is continuously prompted for login details. The error on the IE page shows http error '401.1 Unauthorized'.


In addition, the K2 SharePoint Worklist Webpart shows 'Invalid Archive' error message.












The K2 app pool account was recently changed to use K2 Service account. Switching the K2 app pool account to use the right app pool identity account and adding the missing section (see sample below) to the web.config at the top level K2 site resolved the Workspace issue.


<clear />
< add value="NTLM" />
< add value="Negotiate" />
< /providers>


The K2 for SharePoint 2010 components on SP wfes were upgraded to 4.6.5 and K2 for SP configuration wizard was also re-ran to fix the ‘Invalid archive type’ error message from K2 for SP Worklist webpart.

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