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We have a requirement where we have a rich text multiline to add request description and attached to a list column. Now, user can save the request and edit it to add more or change the description, if required and submit again.

I know that we can't have 2 controls "enabled" and "connected to same list column". 
Therefore, I tried using calculated control to fetch the value of my description, but calculated control can't be connected to Multiline control. 

Can someone help me in letting me know a workaround where we can keep both control enabled (one on new mode and another on edit mode) and still save it while submitting it first time (with formatting - hyperlinks, bold, etc.) and make it visible on second control for editing on edit mode?


Are you able to explain the scenario a little more.
I am not sure what the point of two controls are if you are allowing it to be edited in edit mode and New mode. I would have thought the one control would sufice. You enter description on new and then you edit description on edit.
