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I'm just not sure how to handle this and I want to do it correctly, but I just keep spinning my wheels.

Scenario: Activity with client event and need an escalation that is fired after 3 min. and sends email. Even enough. But after those 3 minutes, send an email escalation for every 1 min. until the activity is completed.

What do you think?

<light blub>

Made a second escalation for trigger on. Set the date to 12/31/2010 along with minute to 1 and repeat to 99 times. Then went into the rule code of this escalation and change the date to DateTime.Now.AddMinute(3).

This allowed my workflow to build and deploy and set the escalations up. FYI to anyone with the question.

Your workflow will go into an error if it is started after 21/31/2010.

Rather than modifying the code behind the escalation, how about creating a data field to hold a date time and then usera server code event to calculate a date 3 minutes into the future?  That way it is completely dynamic.  The main benefit of this approach is it is more obvious to some other developer in the future that a server code event contains custom code than a escalation rule has custom code.

In release 4.5 you will not even need to write code to do this!

Got it to go. But i'll be happy when I don't have to deal with coding it.
