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Some companies have a security policy that requires they change passwords every 90 days (or such). This is a pain when your svc acct has it's password changed. The administrator sends you the new passwrod and you go into the k2service manager and chage the passwrd and bam it won't start with an error like...

could not the start the service on local computer 10061

This could be because the administrator when changing the password - chose the "User must change password at log on" selection.

And since it is a svc acct you are not thinking about logging in to change the password - but instead you go straight to the service manager and try to start the service with your new password.

hence the error! - hope this helps someone else along the way :roll:
I have the same problem... Now how do i modify k2 w/the new password ?
To change the K2 service account password when the service is not running do the following steps:

1. Open the Windows Services MMC (Start->Administrative Tools->Services)
2. Right click on the 2003 Server entry and click properties
3. On the "log on" tab change the password for the account that is running the service and click OK
4. Restart the K2 server service
5. You should now be able to connect to the K2 Server

I hope this helps.

