
Send an Email not working as it does in O365

  • 22 September 2022
  • 2 replies



In my current O265 workflow I have an email action that allows me set the TO field using a column in my list that is a calculation.


Here is a sample of the calculation (it's used to determine between two users, which one to send the email notification to based on a column being null or not)


=IF(ISBLANK([Sample Column]),[User 1],[User 2])


If null: sends to user 1

If not null: sends to user 2


In Nintext Automate Cloud, I am getting the below error...I made sure that both user 1 and user 2 are in email format





This was in O365




Best answer by ckatz 22 September 2022, 22:00

View original

2 replies

I figured this one out, I had to add a Query to lookup the list the workflow is on after the Start Event. Now I am able to use the calculated column in the TO field of the email action as expected


Thank You

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Hi @ckatz, I'm glad you were able to find a solution! Thank you for posting your solution here as it will help other folks who may run into a similar issue.
