Getting i:0#.w| as a prefix in emails

  • 9 February 2016
  • 7 replies

Badge +4

I am using SharePoint 2013 and have created a custom list, to complete some of the areas I have used the SP2013 people picker, the display option is set to 'Name' I have tried 'Account' or 'Last Name' and 'Username' to attempt to troubleshoot, these options do not make a difference to the email outcome.

In the background I have a simple Nintex email notification that collects data from the people picker list items.

Here is a screenshot of the email content config:

Greetings Risk Owner

A new risk has been registered with you being assigned as the risk owner.

Details of the risk follow. You are expected to manage this risk through to resolution and also provide timely informative updates.

Risk Owner

Risk Owner

Risk Actionee

Risk Actionee

Risk Manager

Risk Manager

Risk Raised By

Raised By

Risk Description

Risk Description

Impact Description
Impact Description

Response Strategy

Risk Response Strategy

Last Update


Risk Status



Global Infrastructure

Here is the output from the email that arrives - domain and username have been renamed, everywhere where you see i:0#.w| is a people picker option in the list.

Greetings i:0#.w|domain ame

A new risk has been registered with you being assigned as the risk owner. Details of the risk follow. You are expected to manage this risk through to resolution and also provide timely informative updates. Please provide a response strategy in reply to this email along with any corrections in the details for this risk. You may also designate a different individual to be the Risk Actionee.

Risk Owner

i:0#.w|domain ame

Risk Actionee

i:0#.w|domain ame

Risk Manager

i:0#.w|domain ame

Risk Raised By

i:0#.w|domain ame

Risk Description


Impact Description


Response Strategy

Last Update
09/02/2016 09:36
Risk Status

Global Infrastructure

Question is

How do I get rid of the  i:0#.w|

Many thanks for any suggestions



7 replies

Badge +7

Hi John,

Hannah Swain​ just wrote an article about your need : Remove claims token with regular expressions and Nintex on Office 365

The pattern you have to use is :


Badge +4

Hi and thanks for your reply, we are running regular Office 2010 so the Nintex part is a little different from the link you kindly sent, here are my settings, I am sure it is incorrect as I am getting no Store Result in* drop down, it is empty – any suggestions?



Badge +7


The action should be set as below :


But in your case, you'd better use a "Build String" action to build the body of your mail. Then use the "Regular expression" action to get rid of the tokens. And finally use the "WF variable" as the body of your mail.

Badge +4


Got it working, excellent and many thanks for your assistance and patience.

Best regards


Badge +8

Hi Pierre

How did you create your WF Variable that you stored the result in? Is it just single line of text or do you use person/group?


Badge +7

Hi John,

As it was for an email notification, I suppose that it was a "single line of text" variable happy.png

Badge +8

Ok, thanks Pierre. I will give it a shot.
