Best means of assigning multple destination users to an activity

  • 12 September 2008
  • 3 replies

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I'm in a situation where I need to assign a task to multiple destination users who are defined by the union of multiple groups (geograpy / role).  The client doesn't want to use K2 roles to manage this information, so I'm going to need to use a custom AD query to get the list of users.

My currrent plan is to attempt a custom smartObject to query for the user accounts and an XML field to assign them to the activity.  Only one of the users would have to action the workitem, so I'm assuming that I can live with a single slot. 

 Does this make sense or is there a better approach before I start down this road?

3 replies

Badge +2

That sounds like a pretty good approach to me for sure.  My only recommendation would be to create and use a GetList() SmartObject method to assign your destination users.  You will then have a lot of flexibility using a Service Object to query the users.

 Let me know if this sounds of interest and I can point you to resources as to how to accomplish it.



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Thanks for validating the idea.  Without the benefit of seeing more completed complex K2 projects, it's hard to determine what makes sense with K2.


I'd love to see some more info on implementing this solution.  For the time being, I was planning on trying to  use a server event to load an XML field, but if there's an easier way, I'm all ears.

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To start you off check out this thread:

There are a lot of ways of populating that GetList() method by means of a Service Object.  Check out the BlackMarket Dynamic Service Objects and Static Service Object VS Template:

I think this would be a good place to get started.  Let me know how you do,


