"Could not load the assembly" error message

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Dear All,

I have created simple workflow based on Professional K2 blackpearl book in chapter 9. After I created an instance and login using user account, I opened my ClientEventPages and get this error messages "Could not load the assembly 'InformationRequest'. Make sure that it is compiled before accessing the page."

I am a beginner in K2 so I don't know what should I do to get rid of this error. If there is any information about what should I do to fix this error, please let me know.


Thank you


5 replies

Badge +6


Do IIS and K2 run on the same box?

If yes, in my memories, you need to create a (IIS) web application for the directory that host your CientEventPages. By default, this directory is in the blackpearl installation directory (c:program filesk2blackpearl) in something like ClientPagesyourProcess.

Another way consists in moving the dll (in your case: InformationRequest.dll) in the parent directory.


Badge +1

Thanks for your reply.
It is true that IIS and K2 run on the same box. I have already create
virtual directory refer to c:program
filesk2blackpearlWorkspaceClientEventPages just like you said. But
the error message is still the same.

Is there something else that I missed? Thank you so much.



Badge +1

Finally, I can get rid of that error message. I just copy dll to folder bin in parent directory. Sorry I forgot to do as you said. Thank you so much.



Badge +6


for the virtual directory creation, I mean: you need to create a virtual directory for the folder corresponding to your process just under the ClientEventPages directory.

And you don't need to this AND moving the dll... you just have to choice one way ;-)





Can you please describe in details. What is the parent directory where you put DLL and how did you fix that. Also is there any iisreset is required after putting the DLL?

My issue: I created an work flow by selecting 'Generate New ASP.Net Pages' in the SharePoint Workflow Integration process wizard. Then I designed a simple approval activity. Now I deployed the work flow to site. When I am creating List item, I am able to see the Task and while opening the Task, I am getting the same error as below.

Parser Error Message: Could not load the assembly 'K2Test2_Process1'.
Make sure that it is compiled before accessing the page.


Line 1:  <%@ Assembly Name="SourceCode.SharePoint.Workflow.WebControls, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=16a2c5aaaa1b130d"%>
Line 2: <%@ control language="C#" autoeventwireup="true" inherits="K2Test2_Process1_Task, K2Test2_Process1" %>
Line 3: <%@ Register Assembly="SourceCode.SharePoint.Workflow.WebControls, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=16a2c5aaaa1b130d" Namespace="SourceCode.SharePoint.Workflow.WebControls" TagPrefix="cc1" %>
Line 4:

Source File:
/_layouts/K2BlackPearlPages/Controls/K2Test2_Process1_Task.ascx    Line:


Please help to fix it out.

- Samarendra Swain

Team SharePoint

Mahindra Satyam
