Cannot upload documents to SharePoint 2013

  • 17 February 2015
  • 0 replies

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I am using a SharePoint Content Service Instance to create a smart object connectoin to a sharepoint 2013 site.  I then create a smart object from one of the document libraries to allow uploading a document.  In a process I accept a document using the file input and save that file input to a local data field of type "binary".  I then try to upload the document using the smart object I created for the document library by pasing in the local binary field.  


At first glance, it seems pretty straight forward, however whenever I run the process I get the following error when trying to upload the document.


Message: Error occurred trying to Execute (SmoSPDocument) - System.Exception: The Copy web service method must be called on the same domain that contains the destination url. at SourceCode.SharePoint.Client.FileFunctions.uploadDocument(String fileName, Folder folder, Byte[] documentStream, ContentType contentType, RuntimeField[] metadataFields, Boolean overwrite) at SourceCode.SharePoint.Client.DocumentFunctions.UploadDocument(String fileName, ContentType contentType, String fileContents, String subfolderPath, Boolean overwrite, String versionComment, RuntimeField[] metadataFields) at SourceCode.SmartObjects.Services.SharePoint.Content.SmoSPDocument.executeUploadDocument(Property[] inputs, MethodParameters methodParams) at SourceCode.SmartObjects.Services.SharePoint.Content.SmoSPDocument.callCreateMethod(Property[] inputs, Property[] returns, Method method) at SourceCode.SmartObjects.Services.SharePoint.Content.SmoSPDocument.Execute(Property[] inputs, RequiredProperties required, Property[



The sharepoint server does not exist on the same server as the k2 server.    What am I missing here?  Anyone run into this before?  Any help is greatly appreciated as we're kind of a standstill until we can get this complete.

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