Destination Rule - Manager

  • 22 March 2011
  • 1 reply
  • 1 view

Badge +3

Hi there,

A question about assigning a work item to a manager for approval. For example a leave request submitted by an employee requires the approval by the employee's manager.

So... I see we can the employee's manager directly from active directory. However what if I wanted to get the employee's manager from a another source,  say from a web service which returns an object.

1. How would I go abouts doing this? I was thinking I can create and set a process variables "manager" before the activity then use this variable in the destination rule. The format of this variable would be DomainUsername.

2. If my web service used to get the manager returns a custom object, namely ADUser. How do I call the web service in K2 to get this object. How does K2 know about this object or is this where smart objects come in??


1 reply

Badge +9

2 easy ways to do this I guess.

  1. Use the reference wizard to execute the call to your web service.
  2. If you are returning custom objects, it might be easier to just reference your assembly definitions and execute the call in a code server event.
