List view quick search does not work on date column

Badge +1

Hi experts,


I'm on my first K2 implementation and I met a problem below. Please tell me what should I do.

Our version is 4.6.9.


I created table which has column named create_date and its type is datetime.

Then I created SmartObject using the table. The type of create_date is of course datetime.

In Designer, I create simple list view using the SmartObject and show create_date column.

This list view works fine.

Then back to designer. I checked Enable filtering on view settings, then the quick search appeared.

Now the problem occurrs. I want to filter on create_date so input "2016/02/01" but no result.


These are my result.

specific date like "2016/02/01" => no result

part of date like "2016" or "02" or "01" => match records appeared. (too many)

"01/02/2016" "02/01/2016" "20160201" => no result

"/" (slash only) => no result


Quick search works well on other text columns. Can I filter date using quick search?


Best regards,


4 replies

Userlevel 3
Badge +8

Dear ,


The type "DateTime" is causing this issue , because behind the scenes it has the date + time in some formula , 2016-03-03 22:00:00Z

if u could change the "dateTime" into "Date" type , it will work for u , but still not on the best way , 

i mean , These are my records ,




If i search for "3/3/2016" Result will be nothing ,

the way u can search for it is this formula "2016-03-03" , its kind of confusing cuz of formula's differences on which place date is shown ,

anywho , just remember that will apply if u change "DateTime" to "Time" ,


Hope it helps!


Badge +12


This could be a bug but you can log a support ticket to confirm this. What you can do, as a workaround, is to filter it using the format of the underlying data. Is this stored in SQL? If so, the format should be YYYY-MM-DD. 

Badge +1

Hi AhmadYaqub, ajo


Thank you for your quickly reply. I understood.


"2016-02-01" was also no result because no time.
As a workaround I use Selected Filter using Greater than and Less than.
It's less useful than quick search but can filter.
I think it's difficult to change type now. I'll be carefull next time.


I will log support ticket about this.
Thank you so much for your good advices!


Best regards,

Badge +1

Hi all,

I logged support ticket.
The answer is that it is a known limitation of List View.
They told me a workatound same as AhmadYaqub said.
I must change type to date if I want to filter by date
and seachable format is only "YYYY-MM-DD".


