How to get User worklist For logged On User

  • 12 January 2005
  • 5 replies
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Hi everyone

need little help. Well i need to load the worklist for currently logged in user through iis through k2rom object.

If i provide all details(like username and password) with k2 connection object i get worklist but i need to fetch the worklist for user currently logged in without providing password.

thanks in advance

5 replies

Badge +8
IIRC, if you open the K2ROM connection without specifying a connection string (that is, without specifying the username and password), you can retrieve the currently logged-on user's worklist


Dim oK2Conn As SourceCode.K2ROM.Connection
oK2Conn = New SourceCode.K2ROM.Connection
Dim oWorkList As SourceCode.K2ROM.Worklist
Dim oWorkListCriteria As New SourceCode.K2ROM.WorklistCriteria

oK2Conn.Open(strServerName, "")
oWorkListCriteria.Platform = "ASP"
oWorkList = myK2Conn.OpenWorklist(myWorkListCriteria)
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Hi Again

Well i already tried that ..i mean opening connection with mentioning the name of server but it gives me error .."k2mgasrvduncanj is not allowed to open the worklist".

I gave all the permissions to this user in k2 service manager and also this user is in my destination rule in k2 worklflow. I am not able to figure it out where else i have to give permissions.

I would appreciate if you could let me know where else i have to give permission to this user

Thanks in Advance
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Thanks issued solved
how did ou solved it plz ?
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Please provide the solution by which you have solved this issue. I am also facing the same problem.
