How to send data from Workflow to Form ?

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Hello All.

On the Form I click button, then Workflow starts. In the Workflow I create document in Sharepoint library.

When Workflow finished I need to render link to this document on the Form.

How can do that?



4 replies

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When you go through the wizard for the document, one of the return values should be the URL for the item. If you set it up so that the URL is saved to a data field in the output mapping, you will be able to access it from the form.

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I've tried but unfortunately Wizard has no option for output mapping.


Dear All,

Please help me also with same question.
My task:
run process by button click
Fill Up Word document by template
Get link to user for download.
My problem, that I cannot understand how to pass created document link to user for downloading.



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@NASA Fill Up Word document by template
>> is this done off-line and then the file is uploaded to SP? If it's uploading then that will mean you are doing a Copy Document Event? As stated by K2lan, if you are using the wizard, you will have to set the SP Site location (from environment library - Image 1) and folder (this can be from the datafield or search in the context browser under SharePoint Servers), concatenate the location and folder and the name of the file together and put the information into a Datafield to be used in the smartform.



Image 1


You should be able to use the WFIProcess under Process/Activity Data to get the URL (Image 2).



Image 2




