Deploying a single process in a project.

  • 2 November 2007
  • 2 replies

Badge +8

I added a few processes to a single project and when I was deploying it was all or nothing through the wizard.  I did not have the option to deploy a specific process.  If a process has not changed, I do not want to deploy it.  Guess I will have to break them apart into thier own projects unless someone says otherwise...


2 replies

Badge +3

I'm assuming you're working K2 Studio. You should be able to exclude the .kprx file from the solution, then when you deploy it won't show up in the deployment list... after deploying, include it in the solution again. In Visio there is a button for the Build Manager, where you can select which page(s) to build or exclude. I'm not sure if this feature is also in Studio, but excluding the .kprx worked for me, hope it helps!


Badge +8

Hey Codi - yeah that does help.  Can I make a feature request that the Deploy Wizard be changed in the future to support select the process I want to deploy similar to the K2 2003 days :-)

Thanks - J
