Problems with \or\" conditions checking CurrentUser"

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I'm trying to set up a rule on a form control that will make the control invisible if the current user matches either of two Person or Group columns on the list item.  This works to match one of the columns:

But this does NOT work to match either of the two columns.  When I use this condition, the control is always visible:

I've tried using different syntaxes, but nothing has worked for the "or" condition.

Further, even with the working version above, it only works if Person 2 is the only person in that column.  That is, it doesn't work if the column is configured to allow multiple people in the column and the current user is one of multiple people in the Person 2 column.  I would like it to work in that situation.

Does anyone have ideas about how to do either of these things?

6 replies

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Have you tried inline OR function option?

201699_pastedImage_1.pngDoes both the rule independently work with Person1 and Person2 options?

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I have tried a formula that used only the inline functions, and found the same results as when I mixed it with JavaScript syntax.  The rule does work independently with either Person 1 or Person 2, which makes it even more confusing...

Userlevel 5
Badge +14

make the control invisible if the current user matches either of two Person or Group columns on the list item

visible expression make the control visible if the given formula evaluates to true.

so with your formula you are making it visible is current user equals either to Person1 or Person2. to make it invisible you have to negate your existing formula - fn-Not(xxx)

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Try with this: fn-Not(fn-Or(fn-IsCurrentUser(Sample),fn-IsCurrentUser(Sample)))

Is the check to see Current User belongs to a SP Group or to check Current User is a perticular User?

In which case try this formula: fn-Not(fn-Or(fn-IsMemberOfGroup(Sample),fn-IsMemberOfGroup(Sample)))

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This first formula still does not work for me -- the control is still always visible, whether or not the formula is encased in a fn-Not() function.  However, the control is visible and active only in Edit mode.  It's invisible in Display mode.  I double checked, and there are no formulas that reference Display mode or Edit mode.

Userlevel 5
Badge +14

Hi ‌,

were you able to resolve this?

if so, could you mark a correct answer to close the thread?

