Add approver to an activity

  • 20 September 2005
  • 1 reply

Badge +2
I am trying to come up with the best way to add another user to act on a process. Lets say we are at Activity 'Approval' with 3 destination users. All 3 must approve for the activity to succed. User 1 and 2 approve but then we give the option for user 3 to add an additional user to the process merely to get input from that person about the process. I do not want it to go to another activity so that user 1 and user 2 responses are lost. I just want to be able to notify an additional user of the process...let that user view the client page and add comments/info to it and then have the 3rd user complete the activity. This does not have to be synchrnous nor does it necessarily need to goto the additional users worklist. Hope this makes sesne.

1 reply

Badge +11

Obviously your Activity will contain 3 Destination users utilizing 3 slots. The quickest (and probably cleanest) solution I can think of is:
On your client page, supply the users with a 'Redirect' button as well as a 'Finish' button. When another user's input is needed, user 1, 2 or 3 can redirect the worklist item to user 4. When user 4 has given his/her comments, the worklist item can once again be redirected back to the original user.

You can even build in some logic behind your client page that will disable user 4's 'Finish' button so that he/she can not Finish the item but only fill in comments and redirect the page again. Another suggestion would be to save the name of the original user in a datafield so that user 4 can ONLY redirect back to original user. In the code behind your redirect button, you can even send an email to the new user notifying him/her of the new item.

When you redirect a worklist item from one user to another, the serial number of the item does not change.

Hope this helps,
