Error Status with Deleted User

  • 3 January 2007
  • 3 replies

Badge +2
Hi there,

One of my destinations in a workflow has left the company. What I would usually do in this case is force the workflow on to the next step. However because the account has been deleted the instance is in error status because the workflow couldn't find an e-mail address, and I can't redirect it when the status is error.

The process had already been through several people and had the relevant approval before it got to this point so I don't want to start it again. Is there anything I can do to get the process completed?

Many Thanks,


3 replies

Badge +13
Can you use the Repair facility to blank out the code? Is it failing at the destination rule code?
Badge +2
Its the code that sends the e-mail notification to the destination user.

Should I just delete all the code in there? Not really sure which bit it's erroring out at? Or is it a case of trial and error? Trying not to mess it up more than I already have!
Badge +11
If I'm not mistaken, there should be a line or two that tests the validity of the email address. If the email address is empty, an error is usually raised.

I would add an extra line in there that states that - IF THE EMAIL ADDRESS IS EMPTY, SEND THE ITEM TO AN ADMINISTRATIVE USER.
-- And do not enter the error handling code.

This admin user should then be able to redirect the item to whom ever.


PS!! Remember, any changes you make to the code in the 'Repair Error' functionality WILL apply to all other running as well as new process instances. So, be careful not to hardcode email addresses (except for this admin user address)
