InfoPath Form Submit Error: "Authentication with the server failed"

  • 24 August 2009
  • 3 replies
  • 1 view

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We are deploying a K2 BP solution integrated with WSS 3.0 where the
forms are built using MS infoPath and published in WSS 3.0 form

On the Submit options of the InfoPath we added a rule to save the document in the WSS 3.0 Form Library.

When we run the InfoPath integration wizzard, additional submit
rules are added to the Rules in the Submit options of the InfoPath

I set the priority for the save Option before the Rule that calls
the "Runtime service" of K2 BP hosted by default under the Default
website on IIS.

The behavior observed is:

The document is being saved in the WSS 3.0 form library but when we
reach the step to create the process instance in K2 BP the following
error is generated:

"Authentication with the server failed"

and the process instance is not created.

We are Using NTLM authentication and this behavior is occurring in
a client server case. if the same user logs on the server and creates
its own request and submits it, everything works fine.


3 replies

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You probably need to force the web site hosting the K2 Runtime Web services to use NTLM. By default, IIS will try to use Kerberos (i.e. if the NTAuthenticationProviders is not set).

To do this, run the following command in command prompt on the IIS hosting your Runtime services (working directory c:InetpubAdminScripts:

cscript adsutil.vbs set w3svc/1/NTAuthenticationProviders "NTLM"

Do an IIS reset and try again. The 1 above is asuming that your Runtime services is installed on the default site. If not, replace that with the unique identifier of the site your Runtime services are hosted on.

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Thanks a lot for your reply,

The initial problem was solved, the issue is that a new problem occured.

In my workflow i use the Sharepoint Document event to get some information from a promoted fields in a form library! 

The problem is that once the Workflow reach this event, I'm getting the following error:

"The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized"


Is there any way to solve it? 


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Can you make sure that the K2 Service Account has sufficient privileges on the SharePoint site? The calls from events are made directly from the K2 Server using the account running the service as identity. SO there’s no double hop and it should work out the box. Also, make sure that you are not running the K2 Service as Local System, Network Service, etc. but as an actual user with the permissions mentioned above.

A quick way to ensure that this has been done is to use the K2 for SharePoint tab in SharePoint’s Central Admin: Click the Add Service Account to Site Administration Group link, enter user account then OK and do an IIS Reset.
