Task Comments not connected

  • 26 June 2019
  • 2 replies

While configuring the task forms on my workflow, I realized that the comment field is (for all 11 tasks) not connected to anything. My choices for connecting are as follows:



Currently, the Task Column "Body" is connected to the Task Description, so I do not want to use that. My task list DOES contain a column called "Comments" - but as you can see it is not available here. I created a new column "TaskComments" but that is also not available here (nor is it available in my Task Column Form Controls section:


My Comments and TaskComments fields are both empty when I add a comment, which makes sense because the input is not connected. What am I missing here? How do I either connect to the default "Comments" field or my new "TaskComments" field?


I am using custom content types for task outcomes, I have verified that the Comments and TaskComments fields are part of all the custom content types.


2 replies

Add a Calculated Value control to your form, open that control, select the Formula field and then double-click on Comments in the Named Controls section. You can then use the Connected to field to route your Comments - I usually write them to a variable.

How does this work in the case of multiple approvers? I need to be able to collect all approver comments. The way this has worked in the past for me was to set the variable for task comments in the task itself:


Then use the TaskComments variable to pull out all the comments. If I use a calculated value, will it save comments from all users or just the last user?
